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"I see myself moved on to a different demented level. To a wider stage, exposed to an insane full forced-bright spot light hitting me on my face. Pity, it only makes me blink and creates more shadows."


"The tree pouts out infant green buds, in pride. And flowers, each petal that blushes at sunlight, enhancing its hues. The light wafts of fragrance of fresh smelling grass, glissening with dew, that fills our mind and keeps it afloat on the clouds of eternal afluence of breezed thoughts. Butterflies appear almost quickly to flutter in and out duelling for each flower. Yes, spring is in."


Montage Sequence 3 Tuesday, September 16, 2008 |

Chop chop. Cut cut. Slice slice. Who's cooking? What's brewing? Pour pour. Fry fry. Mash Mash. Who's making? What's burning?

Amidst silences and tasty smells, a healthy dinner and a passionate new found love.

Still Camera, covering kitchen activities.

BG- Sizzling, Chopping and other cooking sounds.

Montage Sequence 2 Thursday, June 19, 2008 |

"My blue eyed Wizard swished his wand at me and there, I was transformed into a Princess ready for the ball."

Long shot of two people at a candle light dinner table by the beach under the moonlight.
BG - Sound of waves

White Balance Thursday, April 24, 2008 |

She turns to her friend and looks over the stained coffee cup, "Why do you keep asking me about where it will lead? Yes, sometimes it scares me to think I might fall into the chains of attachments, of obsessions and of possessiveness. But I found that fear comes in a relationship, when expectations run high. Since the future would always look out-of-sorts/reach for me, I stopped analyzing my new-ties, instead taking it a day at a time. If my ego did take a turn suddenly because of any resentment, I shall remember, he is a gift, that need be treasured and is not a constant bank from where I invest my happiness, *takes a sip* because happiness is constant only when found within self."

And 'CUT'.

BG - Night traffic honks, horns and screeches

Montage Sequence 1 Friday, April 18, 2008 |

"I have received a thousand kisses, not one less loved. I nomad at the most-loved hour and hope the mirage last."

Close-up of holding hands

Aperture Sunday, March 2, 2008 |

He held her and slept, childlike. Breathe in, breathe out. She smiled at the rhythm, that was almost tickling her neck, but she never moved once. Her thoughts wafted to how she had been before meeting him and the slow transformation that occured, occuring wayside within her and discovering a whole new self, of new-found freedom and happiness. Sometimes she was whole and everything, sometimes nothing. Yet in that nothingness, she never once felt empty. The unnecessity to cite a reason for her happiness was ever so wonderous. It was as simple as just living, as simple as being in that moment, breathing in and breathing out. Her thoughts were interrupted by a slight stir from him, his hands bringing her close. Stillness again. Breathe in, breathe out.

Camera Top Angle Fixed.

BG - The whirr noise of fan

And 'CUT'.

Intermission Friday, February 1, 2008 |

She turns and says, 'When I was a little girl, there were all these people who lifted me high up in the air and swung me till I squealed with delight, tickled till I laughed, till tears rolled down my cheeks, gave me random hugs whenever I scampered in and out of the room, and pinched my cheek and kissed it every now and then. Love was very free of cost and bountiful. But now, when I'm all grown up, all mature and supposedly figured out what-life-was-all-about, I cant help but notice the lack of that four letter word. The very mention of it, creates doubts, whether the other person wants something from me? or am I being used? or even, why me? And sometimes this misinterpretation of affection, when I find out, is really genuine.. I am clueless about how to reciprocate. And end up feeling empty when I 've nothing to give.'
She turns back and looks at the sea.

BG - Sound of the waves washing over

And 'CUT'.

Climax Tuesday, June 5, 2007 |

And she walks over to him and says, 'Its difficult for me to phrase when and where anything started. Instead of lulling over, I just wanted you to know that I shall travel, alone, like before, it's a state of normalcy for me that I 've almost become comfortable with that loneliness. Its only those times that when my ear catches an unguarded familiar tune from random corners I get reminded of you. The only times, when my self craves for company. I'm whole but would sometimes love to share that wholeness, to feel the warmth. Nevertheless, its not that I cant live without you. *smiles* Maybe those other times I'm less alive.'
And she walks away from the focus point to blur to eternity.

And 'CUT!'.

donc je suis

"There is magic in Cinema. While we have enough action, comedy and drama in our own lives, we pay for more. Something that cannot be easily ignored. And it is in this reel life, I have often merged my real one. Sometimes we call upon these very words Lights Camera and Action, when we meet a stranger. To act a part, creating an image about you that you are not. Reserving yourself for one unknown person. Virgin characteristics that you want that one person to explore. So, everyone acts. The amount you let yourself be, is ofcourse relative to the bond between yourself and 'the others'. The closer you are, the less you act. Maybe thats why I am an Incognito now. Not just to this blog, but to so many people whom I meet everyday. Maybe I will remain forever that way."